Manitoba Pork Marketing Co-op Issues Pool Price Rebate

Manitoba Pork Marketing Co-op is pleased to announce that a Pool Price Rebate in the amount of $.50 per hog (approximately) will be issued to producers on all hogs marketed through the Co-op during the period of August 1st to December 31st, 2009.

This Pool Price Rebate follows a similar adjustment that was distributed by the Co-op in August 2009 for the period of January 1st to July 31st.
Pool Price Rebates issued by MPMC for 2009 total in excess of $600,000.00 and have come at a time when hog producers are in desperate need of cash flow enhancements.

Co-op President John Preun feels that this year’s Rebates are particularly meaningful given the financial state of the pork industry.
Preun also commends the Management and Staff of Manitoba Pork Marketing Co-op for their astute revenue and expense management.

Manitoba Pork Marketing is a producer owned hog marketing cooperative that provides professional marketing consultation, innovative risk management tools and superior marketing services.
The Co-op represents approximately 300 producers that market 1.2 million hogs annually.

For further information please call:

John Preun
Manitoba Pork Marketing Co-op

Perry Mohr
Manitoba Pork Marketing Co-op